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Andrey Vasiliev avatar
Written by Andrey Vasiliev
Updated over a week ago

To better understand the ICMIZER interface and be sure you use it correctly and get the best results, we recommend ICMIZER users to pass our tutorials in the "Tutorial" tab.

To start learning, open the "Tutorial" tab, select a lesson and click "Start tutorial".

Then, follow the steps in the tutorial step by step and learn the helpful information provided.

Tutorial 1 – Hand Setup

In the first tutorial, you will learn how to set the hand up correctly. This includes setting up all information that can be typically found in hand history text: stacks, blinds, number of players, preflop actions, etc. You will learn how to set it up manually.

Also, we will explain the result and what the exact figure means.

Tutorial 2 – Importing Hand Histories and Automatic Analysis

In the second tutorial, you will learn how to load hand history files to ICMIZER, what automatic tournament analysis is and how this feature works.

Automatic tournament analysis is one of ICMIZER 3’s key features. It is available with all ICMIZER subscriptions, including Basic and PRO. When you run automatic analysis, ICMIZER quickly processes all the hands you played in a tournament and identifies the ones worth analyzing. For each such hand, it calculates equilibrium ranges, evaluates your play, and pinpoints your costliest mistakes. This lets you quickly analyze whole tournaments to find the most controversial and challenging hands to learn from.

This resource-intensive process is done in the cloud so as not to overload your device. Even multi-table tournaments with thousands of players are processed in mere seconds, thanks to ICMIZER 3’s efficient calculation engine.

We will also explain the result of automatic tournament analysis and how to replay any of the loaded hands in the Replayer, where you can look back at and analyze the moves you made, including the postflop.

Tutorial 3 – Editing Ranges

ICMIZER makes an analysis based on Nash equilibrium, but players do not play like that in real hands. For example, they can not push their AA; their ranges could be too tight or loose, etc. So, sometimes you need to correct opponents' ranges depending on their stats, your info about a particular situation, and your edge. If you have reasons to think that players push or call with different ranges, you can change their ranges and get the best response range for Hero.

The hand review process should contain three main steps:

  • Setting up the situation (the tournament structure, stacks, blinds, number of players, their preflop actions, etc., everything except ranges).

  • Assigning ranges to all opponents, using ICMIZE & manual adjustments afterward.

  • Getting the optimal situational push/fold chart for the Hero using the "Calculate Hero" button.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the powerful range editor tool for getting the best response range against the opponent that is playing tighter than GTO suggests.

Tutorial 4 – Creating Custom Tournaments

ICMIZER already has a preloaded list of the most popular existing tournament structures from different poker rooms. If you can't find the tournament in the list, you can easily create one yourself.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom tournament structure for your tournament to get the most accurate results. Remember that a different payout structure usually leads to a very different optimal strategy, so choosing the correct tournament is mandatory for the efficient use of ICMIZER.

Tutorial 5 – Using MTT Modes

When you load a hands history from an MTT you've played, you should do so using MTT mode. If you don't, ICMIZER will assume that either your hand is being played at the final table of an MTT or in a single-table SNG.

Currently, ICMIZER can review MTT situations with up to 500 players at regular tournaments and up to 2,500 players at PKO tournaments.

This lesson will teach you how to use the MTT mode to get the most accurate bubble stage results.

These tutorials will help you understand the ICMIZER interface and ensure that you use it correctly and get the best results!

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