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Dynamic Hand Strength-based Rankings
Andrey Vasiliev avatar
Written by Andrey Vasiliev
Updated over a week ago

The dynamic hand strength-based rankings significantly improve the range editing experience. The range editing slider now takes hands based on their situational strength. So hands that are better for push go in first for push ranges, and hands that are better for the call go in first for calling ranges, for example. Also, that works with entering a range weight as a percentage in the text box. You can set the range to 25% best hands by entering the text value like "25%" (no quotes).

The idea of the dynamic hand strength-based rankings is to calculate and show the exactly optimal range for the particular opponent's actions and their ranges. The range that weighs 25% of the strongest hands in a specific situation isn't a static set of preflop hands, it is a different set of preflop hands depending on the situation. With the dynamic hand strength-based rankings, it depends on the opponent's actions and ranges. So you always have the precise optimal range.

1. Let’s imagine that the player on UTG pushes only AA. So Hero’s calling range without dynamic hand strength-based rankings is 77+, AT+.

But with turned on dynamic hand strength-based rankings, we will see Hero’s calling range as

2. SB vs BB situation. SB's pushing range is 30%. The dynamic hand strength-based rankings are OFF:

The dynamic hand strength-based rankings are ON:

3. Another example, with dynamic hand strength-based rankings the SB's pushing range equal to 25% in this hand is 22+,A2s+,A3o+,K9s+,KTo+,QTs+,QJo,JTs.

Without dynamic hand strength-based rankings the SB's pushing range equal to 25% is 22+,A2s+,A4o+,K9s+,KTo+,Q9s+,QJo,J9s+,T9s.

The difference explained by CO's raising range. His 30% range includes such hands as T9s-Q9s and A2o-A3o.

So, in this case, SB's default range that includes T9s-Q9s and excludes A3o looks worse than the range with turned on dynamic hand strength-based rankings. ICMIZER automatically excluded T9s-Q9s and added A3o thereby adjusted the pushing range of SB to CO's raising range.

The new dynamic rankings automatically apply to push, call, and overcall ranges. It does not apply to call after raise, to limp, to raise without all-in, and to their sub-ranges.

If you find dynamic rankings not useful for your work in ICMIZER, you can turn them off in the Options.

In that case, the Power push ranking is ON. Power push represents a ranking of hands ordered against reasonably tight calling ranges.

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